From Library Director John Szabo:
There really isn’t currently a date that the offer for the land will come before the BOC. Since the Board of Trustees recommended renovating the existing facility and not selling the property, the Library won’t be bringing forward the subject of the land sale. Rather, we’ll be bringing forward a recommendation to renovate this library as part of our Facility Master Plan. The only way I see the issue coming forward is if a Commissioner initiates it.
The Board of Commissioners meet on the first and third Wednesday’s of each month. During all meetings there is a Public Comment section where citizens are allowed to voice County-related requests, concerns, opinions, etc. This normally occurs at the beginning of the meetings which start at 10am. Speakers are granted up to two minutes each.
The Buckhead Library is not on the March 5th BOC Agenda. It will most likely be voted on March 19th.